Upcoming Talks & Trips 2025
6th March - Britains Hidden Fishes Screening CORNWALL
10th March - Photography Show London
12th March - Charnwood Wildlife Trust Group
16th March - East Midlands Orchid Group
18th March - Nottingham and Notts Photographic Society - Underwater Photography -
20th March - Rutland Fly Fishers - Freshwater Fish
1st May - Stroud Brewery Britains Hidden Fishes Screening
25th - 27th May - Bushcraft Show
28th May - Sheffield Fish Talk
11th - 13th July - Global Birdfair
30th Aug - 1st Sept - Chatsworth Country Show
16th Sept - Market Harborough Natural History Society
17th Sept - Wollaton Natural History Society - Rivers Source to Sea
22nd Sept - Allestree Garden Club
5th Nov - Rutland U3A
6th Nov - NPS AGM
10th Nov - Cotgrave U3A
11th Nov - High Peak Wildlife Group
13th Nov - RSPB Lincoln - Diary of a Wildlife Photography
18th Nov - Market Bosworth Natural History Group
24th Nov - U3A Mapperley
20th Jan - U3A Grantham
21st Jan - Wollaton Natural History Group
11th Feb - Staffordshire Wildlife Trust Leek Group
2nd Sept - Burbage Gardening Club

As part of the BBC's Summer of Wildlife they held a event at the WWT London where i did a talk on how to engage with wildlife.

Talking to the students at Falmouth about what you can do after university.
I offer a range of talks for Bird Groups, Natural History Societies, Scuba Clubs, Angling Clubs and Camera Clubs all over the East Midlands. Mostly work within a hour or so of Nottingham however happy to do talks anywhere in the country having done talks in Glasgow, London, Cornwall & Cumbria in the past for more info on talks further afield get in touch.
Talks can last from 10 minutes – 90 minutes with a mixture of photography skills, biology and humour.
Please note I do not have a projector or screen so these would need to be provided.
£100.00 for 90 minutes + 40p travel from Nottingham (price can be different depending on size of group)
£140.00 if more then 1 hour 30 Minutes from Nottingham
List of talks
Rivers: Source to the Sea - Rivers are without a doubt my favourite habitat to photograph having been to highland streams, Hampshire’s chalk streams and large midland rivers like the Severn and Trent follow me down a British river seeing what they have on show.
Diary of a Wildlife Photographer - Showing off some of the commissions, TV filming and personal shoots I've done over the past year and giving a insight into my mind set and how I go about taking wildlife images.
Wildlife on your doorstep - following both garden and urban wildlife this talk features tips on how to encourage wildlife into your local patch while also showcasing lots of images of wildlife you might not expect like lizards, badgers and waxwings.
Shetland: Britains Northern Edge - After a month living in Shetland, Jack was able to see its fantastic wildlife from puffins, gannets, skuas, divers and orcas.
Pond scum - Taking a closer view of British ponds from dragonflies, frogs and birdlife showing underwater views and dispelling some of the myths. over 1 million ponds have been lost since the 1940s.
Nottinghamshire’s Wildlife - From the mighty River Trent, gravel pits, sherwood forest and urban landscape that all make up such a varied habitat Nottinghamshire truly has some amazing flora and fauna.
Best of British - Concentrating on some of the iconic species of wildlife in the British Isles from puffins, kingfishers, otters and stags to some of the smaller species like adders, dragonflies and fungi.
Freshwater Fish of Britain - 54 species swim below our water but how many can you name? This talk goes through each species in detail with underwater imagery.
Birds of the water - Many bird species live by or in water from the farne islands full of puffins, reedbeds with booming bitterns and a underwater view of our waterfowl this talk takes a wetter side to birding.
British Invaders - The British isles has a huge amount of non native species from brown hare and little owl that are a colourful addition to signal crayfish and mink that cause a lot of damge this talks goes through many that you might not even know are here and how some are harmless while others deadily.
Coastal Wildlife - From the sea cliffs full of gannets and puffins into the rockpools exploring a hidden world we take a look at what wildlife inhabits the British coastline.
Underwater Photography - Starting out in stoney cove in leicestershire to diving the stunning red sea my underwater photography has taken all over the UK and this talk details the differences from land based photography and some of my experiences with seals, river fish and rockpools.
Put away that 500mm! - One of my trademark techniques is using wide angle lens to capture all kinds of wildlife from birds, mammals and reptiles showing you don't always need a long lens to get the shot just patience, field craft and luck!
Stories behind the images - Looking into some of my images that have won awards, gone viral and my personal favourites and the thought process behind them.
Introduction into Wildlife Photography - Lots of little tips and hints that have helped me along the way to get that perfect image!
RSPB Chesterfield Group, Christine
Many thanks for your talk on Monday evening. The members I have talked to found it both interesting and informative. I particularly liked some of your images. The picture of the puffin you began the second half with will stay with me for some while.
I shall no doubt be in touch with you again in due course to come and give us another of your talks.
Market Bosworth & District Natural Histroy Society, Prue Crowley
I am writing on behalf of the Market Bosworth and District Natural History Society to thank you for the talk you gave us on 'Cold Blooded Critters', on 19th May. Everyone enjoyed it. It was really informative, with excellent photography for illustration. Your knowledge and interest in, and passion for, the creatures that you study was very much in evidence.
Thank you once again
Bradfrod Ornithological Group, John Preshaw
Just a quick word of thanks for your very enjoyable presentation last evening. Your sheer enthusiasm won over a decent sized audience who paid you the compliment of contributing with plenty of questions and comments
Beeston Wildlife Group, Nigel Slater
I'd say your unique selling points that put you above the rest: you have a young and fresh persona , knowledgeable, approachable, and take photos that no other photographers do- you are unique.
Willfield Camera Club, Glyn Wade
Just wanted to say thank you again for a fabulous night last night with your highly entertaining and educational talk. The feedback from members has been excellent and I hope a few will join you on future workshops.
Rushcliffe Photographic Society, John Watson
You probably gathered during the presentation that our members very much enjoyed it but I can back this up with very positive feedback from everybody I've spoken too. You seem to be able to combine great images with useful, accessible information bound together with humour - verbal and visual. Many of our speakers have done some of this but rarely all of it.
As well as enjoying the presentation I get the impression that our members were inspired to get out there and take more wildlife photos, encouraged by you pointing out that this can be done in urban areas/parks without the need to always travel long distances. If you have another talk you could present to us in due course, we'd be very interested.
Newcastle under-lyme Camera Club, Juliet Colins
Thank you very much indeed for a brilliant night! You had us all sitting on the edge of our seats. It really was very entertaining as well as very informative and your photographs are absolutely stunning.
Lots of members came up to me in the break and at the end to say how much they enjoyed your talk.
Keyworth Camera Club, Sue Hall
Thank you Jack for a wonderful evening at Keyworth camera club. I really enjoyed your presentation and really love the very down to earth approach, so refreshing as so many photographers who visit appear to be all about the competitions and superb photography which for a very amateur photographer can be a bit disheartening. You really demonstrated your passion for wildlife and seeing beautiful things, and keeping that memory by your photography. It was a night that I'm glad I didn't miss.
Derby Photographic Society, Mary Nicholson
I am writing to ask how you would feel about another visit to our photographic society. There has been a request for another visit from you. Without exception everyone who was present for your last talk would like you to come again